Монография В.Н.Стати «Молдаване на юге России»

The study is dictated by the urgent need update and complete the fundamental work of the renowned scientist V.F. Shishmarev – Romanic Settlements in the South of Russia, which was developed during 3 decades (1928 ‒ 1957), but published only in 1975. The exceptionally valuable data and evidence presented in it, as well as the unique scientific generalizations, completed with material accumulated in the most recent decades, emphasize the extraordinary relevance and even topicality of the study.

Especially considering the clairvoyant observation made by the famous Russian historian V.O Klyuchevskiy : ”Nowadays politics is nothing more than a denial of history and nothing less than its distortion.» (1891).

It would seem the geopolitical context, ethnocultural and ethnodemographic characteristics , traditions and customs of the neighboring zones of Moldova should be in the focus of attention among scientists, and the results of their research, generalizations and conclusions should be taken into account both in everyday practice and strategic policy.

Nevertheless, till present day, Moldova and Moldovans still remain a terra incognita for numerous theoreticians, practitioners as well as political personalities. Directly at the first impartial examination, any author will notice that the overflow of the Moldovans, their natural, peaceful settlement in the Eastern Dniester, can be clearly traced from written sources. A comprehensive look at what has been written on this topic to the west and east of the Dniester reveals a highly specific situation. For example, ethnogeographical reports from the archives of the former Novorossiya region, usually remain unknown to researchers. The ethnohistorical, ethnodemographical as well as cultural and linguistic realities presented in  Moldovans Outside Moldova, continues, till present day, to rise vivid discussions and debate. For instance, E. Shireaev, in his article  entitled History of Transnistria in Maps, stated: «Due to their Dacian (Getic) origin, Moldovans, genetically, are closest to the Slavs, the Slavic element dominates over the rest.  They are only indirectly related to the Romance peoples.

In 1992, in Bucharest, a Romanian historian Luis Roman tries to resuscitate the idea, actively  disseminated  before the World War II: “Transnistria is a land of the Romanians” .

This information alone shows how controversial, prickly and even risky the study of the regions adjacent to the borders of the Republic of Moldova is in historical, as well as ethno-political terms.

From the 16th century, the settlements of Modovans in the Dnester-Dnieper interfluve and beyond is presented as a perpetual, demographic process, in continuous enlargement.

Sections widely prove, on the basis of indisputable data, the consciousness of the ethnic and linguistic common identity of Moldovans in the diaspora, their national and historical continuity, inextricable ties with their historical homeland — the Moldovan state, we believe, clearly emphasize the urgent relevance of the Moldovans in the South of Russia monographic study.

By tehe way, concerning Ochakov Land, the so-called Khan’s Ukraine, the statement of the church historian A. Lebedintsev is noteworthy. He writes: “The name “Ukraine”, that would show a significant number of Malorussians in this region, was not consistent with the majority of the population, which was constituted from ( as for 1761) of Moldovans  ”.

Equidistant from polar statements , this work seeks to lift the veil of oblivion from this ethno-demographic and cultural phenomenon, directly linked to the history of the Moldovan people — Moldovans outside of Moldova, from Transnistria to Donbass and Krasnodar Region…

Especially considering the fact that “the Moldovan Country is truly remarkable in every respect», as proven by Hungarian diplomat  Georg Reichersdorff, in his book  Chorographia Moldaviae (Description of Moldova) as yearly as in the year of 1541. It was in this work that the author brought to the attention of his king, Ferdinand I, the fact that: «The description of Moldavia should remind Your Majesty, as well as other Christian rulers, what danger will be hanging over the heads of Christians as soon as we let this country go.” (See. Evgeny Paskary, Unknown Moldavia, 2014).

The impressive scope and variety of factual material analyzed, using a modern conceptual de-ideologized, equidistant approach, in a balanced tonality, open to any clarifications and additions ‒ which are totally natural, and therefore inevitable ‒ are designed to rise interest and strengthen confidence in our efforts, presented in this book that we, respectfully and with great hope, recommend to the readers.


V. Stati, Phd in historical sciences

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